This item is shipped directly from the maker! This means you may receive your order in multiple shipments (if you are ordering more than one item) and if it is being made-to-order, please be mindful of the designer’s individually allocated lead times! We are proudly connecting our customers and the designers we love in a direct way in the hopes that we can support other small businesses in tandem with our own! Items that are shipped directly from the maker incur a shipping fee that is uniquely set by those designers, and we handle all the rest from there!
We are proud to present our MADE IN PERU styles. Our Amana fully fashion knitwear sweater will keep you warm, cozy, and stylishly chic during the cold winter days. Incredibly soft superfine Alpaca that you will forever treasure in your closet.
Toit Volant is a sustainable, contemporary and affordable high-end apparel brand. Every piece is designed, cut and sewed responsibly in Los Angeles.
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$69.30 – $79.99
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